Petrol station POI visibility will turn off automatically. Working principle is that you type the hyphotetical driving distance, or encapsulated litres of fuel (which will be translated into kilometres). So we decided to do “Petrol Reminder” on it. The idea is that the second trip computer is almost never used. Added ability for displaying the number of TMC events (significant and total) on the TMC button. Added ability for moving “Bluetooth” and “Mapchanger” buttons to the “Main Screen menu”. Gurjon 2.17 pentru rezolutia: 480/272 compatibil strict cu versiunea igo primo, versiune 1.1 1. Gurjon is back from holiday and there is now a full WVGA skin for Primo:D The download link on wasn't working last night but. Skin skins iGO 8 iGO8 NavNGo NavNGo8 icon icons POI POIs wallpaper wallpapers background backgrounds map maps colormap colormaps voice voices. All trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. New update of Gurjon skin for iGO 8.3.x.x with high-resolution 800x480.